Home > Artworks > Clara Rodríguez Serrano

Photo of Clara Rodríguez Serrano Spain

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My name is Clara Rodriguez and was born in Madrid, where I've lived all my life.

In 2004 I discovered my artistic vocation through an anti-stress therapy. I am a self-taught painter that the only attempt is to express in my work my inner reality, my feelings, my experiences, in short, my whole universe through the colors of life.

In my work I try to translate a message of optimism in life and...

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See everything we offer you!
14.96 x 18.11 in
12.99 x 9.45 in
23.62 x 9.84 in
8.66 x 12.99 in
31.89 x 25.59 in
39.37 x 31.89 in
25.59 x 21.26 in
13.78 x 11.81 in
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My name is Clara Rodriguez and was born in Madrid, where I've lived all my life.

In 2004 I discovered my artistic vocation through an anti-stress therapy. I am a self-taught painter that the only attempt is to express in my work my inner reality, my feelings, my experiences, in short, my whole universe through the colors of life.

In my work I try to translate a message of optimism in life and people, so in my palette are the bright and cheerful colors I can find.

I hope that through these pictures, you can feel, as I feel the joy of living.


- 2004. Group exhibition at the Cultural Center of the Municipal Board of Ciudad Lineal in Madrid.

- 2004. Fair Servi-All Henares Corridor, in Torres de la Alameda (Madrid)

- 2004. Crafts and Antiques Fair Perales de Tajuña (Madrid)

- 2005. Group exhibition at the Café "Jamaica", in Alcala de Henares (Madrid)

- 2005. Group exhibition at the Café "Jamaica", Shopping Center Corridor, Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid)

- 2005. Fair Servi-All Henares Corridor, in Torres de la Alameda (Madrid)

- 2006. Selected in the Second International Painting Prize Naïve and participant in the exhibition that was made to that effect at the Cultural Center Galileo - Madrid.

- 2006-2007. Solo exhibition, "Spirit Naif" in Madrid Theatre (Avenue of the Enlightenment, s / n - Madrid), 17 November 2006 to January 7, 2007.

- 2007. Naive painting solo exhibition at the Casa de la Cultura de Kirkcudbright (Madrid).

- 2007. Group exhibition during the "Cultural Week" Torres de la Alameda (Madrid), the Senior Center "Monte Alto".

- 2007. Selected in the III International Competition of Naive Art and a participant in the exhibition is made to that effect in the Cultural Center Galileo - Madrid.

- 2008. Selected in the eighth Painting Competition "Women in the XXI century" organized by the Department of Equality of the City of Velilla de San Antonio (Madrid), and participation in the exhibition organized for this purpose during the month of March.

- 2008. Solo exhibition, "Arte Naif" in the city of Torres de la Alameda (Madrid) during the months of April and May.

- 2008. Participation in the IX edition of the Feria de Arte Independiente de Madrid (FAIM), on days 22, 23 and 24 November at the Palacio de Congresos and Exhibition of the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid.

- 2009. Selected in the ninth edition of Painting Award "Women in the XXI Century" organized by the Department of Equality of the City of Velilla de San Antonio (Madrid), and participation in the exhibition organized for this purpose during the month of March.

- 2009. Group exhibition at the Art Gallery "San Vicente", from 26 June to 9 July in the town of San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante).

- 2009. Participation in the Autumn Fair Dornbirn (Austria) from 9 to 13 September.

If you are interested in any work you can email me or visit my web espiritunaif.org


- Catalogue of the Second International Painting Prize Naïve. (2006)

- Catalogue of the III International Painting Prize Naïve. (2007)

- Catalogue of the IX edition of the Feria de Arte Independiente de Madrid. (2008)

- Catalogue Charity Art Solidarity for the fight against breast cancer (2009)

- Review the Revistart art magazine, n º 137, of one of my naive art exhibitions (2009)


- Guest Artist in Art-A-Fiction http://arteaficcion.blogspot.com,

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